Friday, February 24, 2006

Week 18

Woohoo, it's Friday! That much closer to Monday which is the big day for the "revealing" ultrasound. At least we hope it's revealing. I even changed the time to make it an hour earlier because I am having such a hard time containing my excitment and just don't think I can wait another minute. I really hope the baby cooperates and shows us what it's got. :)

I still haven't felt anymore movement. I really wish I would too. I want to really know what that feels like. We pulled out the heart doppler last night and listened to the baby. It was after dinner and the baby was doing lots of moving around and it sure would have been nice to be able to feel it. It actually gave me the giggles to think of my little munchkin rolling around in there.

I got to work this morning to find out that a co-worker is infected with pink eye and was going to try to get away with working and not getting "caught" with it. I think not. That is not something I want to have at all, but I certainly don't want it when I'm pregnant. I have no idea what affect that would have on me or what type of treatment would be involved. This hospital takes conjunctivitis so seriously there is actually a written policy on it. I had to bring this to the attention of my director in order to get infected co-worker sent home. It's nice of him to think that staying in his office is going to cut down on spreading it but that's highly contagious. Go home! I have been washing my hands like crazy all day. I'm going to be very peeved if I end up with that mess.

On to more pleasant things. Here's some of the baby's progress for the week:

Your Baby's Development This Week

Age of Fetus—16 weeks

The baby continues to grow bigger. You should be able to feel your uterus below your belly button. It is near this time that myelinization begins. This involves a coating of the nerves with a fatty substance called myelin to speed up nerve cell transmission.

Other changes that are happening:

• Pads are forming on the baby's fingers and toes that will develop into characteristics of fingerprints and footprints.
• Fine hair is growing and covering your baby's head and body.
• The baby's legs are now longer than the arms.

Baby's Size (head to rump) this week: About 5 to 5.5 inches.

Weight: Approximately 5.5 ounces

Right now your baby is about the size of a can of soda.

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