Friday, February 10, 2006

Week 16

We are now 3 months and 2 weeks. Went to the monthly doctor's appointment this morning. My uterus has moved up a little bit. The baby's heart rate was 157. Everything is just fine and normal. The next appointment is on the 27th and that is for an ultrasound. Hopefully, we will be able to find out the sex. We are both looking forward to that appointment. :)

Age of Fetus—14 weeks

This week the baby's muscles are continuing their development. The baby is going through motions to prepare for life outside the womb. Now the baby can kick with its legs, turn its feet in and outward at the ankles and even curl its toes. The baby's head has experienced significant growth, but during this month the body will now begin to grow faster than the head.

Other changes that are happening:
• The baby's head and neck will straighten more this week as back muscles get stronger and more bone is formed.
• Toenails are now forming from the nail bed.
• Rapid growth of the baby may result in you showing and the need to switch to looser fitting maternity clothes.

Baby's Size (head to rump) this week: About 4.3 to 4.7 inches

Weight: Approximately 2.75 ounces

Right now your baby would fill the size of your open palm and fingers.

This has been the longest, dullest day for me. I'm feeling sorta blah today for some reason. It could be because I am so incredibly bored at work today and still have hours left to go. Ugh!!!!!

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