Thursday, January 19, 2006

Expanding backside.

Tomorrow will mark my 13th week of pregnancy. Almost to the finish line of the first trimester. Woohoo! I am hoping I will be loaded with tons of energy. This not having any energy is really wearing me down...literally.

So, I'm standing in front of the bathroom mirror this morning getting ready for work. I have already made a deal with myself to try to not get upset about any weight gain during the pregnancy. I am trying to eat right and only eat "bad" things every once in a while. The only real issues I have with weight gain are the gains in my arse and my thighs. I haven't a problem with my belly at all. I mean, seriously, there's a whole little person growing in there. Of course the waistline is going to expand, I just don't want my thighs expanding.

Anyway.....while standing in front of the mirror I have noticed that my hips seem to be spreading. I guess they are supposed to do that. Might have to post that question to a message board on and see what sort of response I get. Some other body changes include bigger boobs. Sometimes I think they are bigger and sometimes I just think they have filled out more, if that makes sense. I think I do need a couple of new bras to accommodate them. The straps on the one today have been falling down constantly and driving me nuts all day. A woman constantly pulling up her bra strap is about as attractive as a woman constantly picking her underwear out of her butt. :) My boobs are super sore but mostly in the mornings and at night. I have noticed a slight difference there so maybe that will be another symptom relieved once the second trimester begins.

Speaking of shopping for new undergarments....I went shopping at lunch for new undies. I can't seem to get into shopping for some reason. Maybe I should try not going during lunch when my time is somewhat restricted.

There were other things I wanted to note in this entry but can't remember them right now. Another symptom of pregnancy. Oh yeah! My lower abdomen. Been having some odd feelings of stretching usually when I stand up. The only way I can really describe it. I also get what can only be described as very mild menstrual cramps. From my reading, I have discovered that is my uterus growing. Woohoo! I am really looking forward to being able to feel the baby move. That is going to be quite an experience.

My hubby, the most wonderful one in the world, is driving me to another city in another state to eat at my favorite Chinese restaurant, P.F. Chang's, for dinner Saturday night. I simply cannot wait.

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