Friday, March 16, 2007

Quick Update

Mia now has 8 teeth and we believe she is also in the process of cutting a molar. The baby girl is a tooth producing machine! I sure hope they don't all fall out as fast as and as close together as they came in. Poor tooth fairy might have to file for bankruptcy!

Mia has been doing very well. She sleeping pretty good at night and occasionally she will sleep all the way through. I miss those nights. She got off track after getting her first cold. I had to take her to the doctor last week for an eye infection caused by the clogged tear duct. We had to do eye drops for about 5 days and let me tell you, she just LOVED that! It was really looking much better but I have noticed the last couple of days that it is watery again and she's waking up with dried gook in her eyes in the mornings. I am really hoping the tear duct opens up and stays open soon. If not, the pediatrician is talking about probing her eye! Not fun!

The following picture is for Mia's Birthday Buddy, Charli. Charli has been sick and we just learned today that she is traveling a rough road at the moment. This is a hug for you, Charli. Keep smiling and we love you, Sweetie!

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